Calculated nesting

July 1, 2008 at 9:39 am (pregnancy, pregnant) ()

Today, baby girl (without a name) is offiically 31 weeks.  Which means, if she’s punctual & right on time then I have exactly 9 weeks to get everything ready.  However, to play it safe (and have some sanity in the last week), I’m in the thought process that I actually have to be ready in 7 weeks.  If she’s much earlier than that – well, I’m just in trouble!!

So in 7 weeks, I need to do a super overhaul & clean out so that I actually have room in our house for one more & ALL that goes along with a little baby.  To me, this means I need to:

1.  Clean out the kitchen cabinets to make room for bottles.

2.  Clean out the family room to make room for baby toys & swings.

3.  Clean out Evan’s room because some of his furniture is moving to baby girl’s room.

4.  Clean out the laundry room/storage because I’ll be in there alot more!

5.  Clean out our master bedroom because it will just make me feel better.

6.  Clean out the garage because it’s getter harder & harder to walk through the clutter.

7.  Clean out the basement – just because I’m on a role & I have one more week left.

OH – and I need to finish the nursery too!!!  Or rather Aunt Staci will finish the nursery after I get everything ready for her.  It’s coming along … I’ll have to post pics soon.


  1. ohamanda said,

    OH lord. That means I only have about 9 weeks! I can’t wait to see pics of the nursery!!

  2. Kristen said,

    You go, you nester!

  3. staci said,

    Just let me know what I can do.

  4. Alicia said,

    wow! I can’t believe how soon this baby will be here. Can’t wait to see the nursery.
    Feel free to come ‘nest’ at my house all you want :-)

  5. Erin said,

    I loved the nesting! I got so much done!

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